

Calendars allow you to manage seasonal shifts in the operating hours of places and events. You must have at least 1 calendar, but you can create more as needed. For example, if your facility operates with a different set of hours in the peak season vs. the off-season, you may create 2 calendars. Or, if your facility operates with unique hours during the Winter Holiday season, you may create another calendar to handle that scenario.

How to Create a New Calendar

  1. Go to Scheduling > Calendars in the left navigation menu

  2. Click the "New Calendar" button in the top right

  3. Set the name and description for the Calendar and click the “Save” button.

    Note: The description is optional and will only be displayed to other admin users. It will not be shown to guests.

How to Change the Current Calendar

  1. Go to Settings > Calendars in the left navigation menu

  2. Set the Calendar and click the “Save” button